The Joanne Avison Podcast
The Joanne Avison Podcast is a journey into Spiritual Science, examining the sacred geometry of human form and motion and how the Fascia Matrix changes all we thought we knew about human bodies. Reflecting on her rich experience as a movement and manual therapy practitioner, Certified Archetypal Consultant, ordained minister and Doctor of Spiritual Science; Joanne challenges our assumptions of human anatomy, and asks us to consider the "Humans Being" as intimately relating "soma to soul" such that they can't really be useful separated. Joanne animates the true meaning of practical spirituality and the patterns of (our) body and being as one!! Told through artful storytelling and conversations with scientists, researchers, teachers, clients and curious fellow beings; this podcast will spark your curiosity of humans “being in bodies”, and inspire your life-long inquiry into who you really are.
The Joanne Avison Podcast
Unlocking the Secrets of the Embryo: the Science You Never Knew. With Dr Karen Kirkness
Join Joanne in this brilliant chat with Dr. Karen Kirkness as they take a fascinating journey to unlock the secrets of the embryo, that remarkable human blueprint we all share!
From the earliest stages of development, the embryo’s genetic code orchestrates a complex dance of tissue dynamics, fascia insights, and biological pathways - which Karen describes so beautifully so we can all understand it!
Join us to explore the magic and the mystery, the science and the curiosity that inspires us all about where we each began.
And there’s more…it’s Embryology Month at The Fascia Hub and all these goodies are waiting for you…
- Jan Trewartha will be chatting with Dr Kirkness about anatomy and embryology
- There’ll be a webinar from Emeritus Assoc. Professor of Anatomy and Embryology, Jaap van der Wal. Click here for it
- Members of The Fascia Hub will receive a free download of Chapter 4 from Yoga Fascia Anatomy & Movement - which tells the embryo story in full illustration and helps us make sense of our original movements and forming sequence!
Click on the links above to listen, watch or join The Fascia Hub to get all these treats!!
Simply scroll down to ‘Join Our Collective’ and pop in your details. We DON’T spam and we DO respect privacy!
Why don’t you start here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Nb0JCvJRHKdZqF3PgHc9BaJnv33rU-u&si=vn4qiIAToTILqVmG
My website - https://www.joanneavison.com/
My course - https://myofascialmagic.com/
My book: - https://amzn.to/3zF3SAS
Instagram - joanneavison
Free Webinar - https://myofascialmagic.com/webinar-registration
Podcast produced and edited by Megan Bay Dorman