The Joanne Avison Podcast
The Joanne Avison Podcast is a journey into Spiritual Science, examining the sacred geometry of human form and motion and how the Fascia Matrix changes all we thought we knew about human bodies. Reflecting on her rich experience as a movement and manual therapy practitioner, Certified Archetypal Consultant, ordained minister and Doctor of Spiritual Science; Joanne challenges our assumptions of human anatomy, and asks us to consider the "Humans Being" as intimately relating "soma to soul" such that they can't really be useful separated. Joanne animates the true meaning of practical spirituality and the patterns of (our) body and being as one!! Told through artful storytelling and conversations with scientists, researchers, teachers, clients and curious fellow beings; this podcast will spark your curiosity of humans “being in bodies”, and inspire your life-long inquiry into who you really are.
Myofascial Magic - Joanne and Paul explore the new book!

Listening vs Hearing: How to Tune Into the World Around You

Healing Diastasis Recti: Simple Movements for Recovery

The Lost Connection: How Science Separated Body, Mind & Soul

Rethinking pelvic floor exercises: a balanced approach

Does fascia hold the key to emotional relaxation?

Plantar Fasciitis Myths Debunked: Real Solutions for Foot Pain

Exploring Anatomical Variability and Learning with Professor Darrell Evans

*The Gift of Defining Fascia*

The Number One Mistake Weekend Athletes Make (And How to Fix It)

Exploring Alexander Technique with Tully Hall: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Healing

5 Myths About Back Pain Relief You Still Believe

What if Your Fascia Connects Emotion, Energy, and Spirituality?

Is It Science or Magic? Exploring the Power of Intention and Healing

Can Yoga REALLY Improve Your Mental Health?

Beyond the Gym: How Functional Movement Enhances Your Daily Life

Unlocking the Secrets of the Embryo: the Science You Never Knew. With Dr Karen Kirkness

What Your Fascia is Trying to Tell You About Your Body

Muscle Trembling? Signs You're Overtraining

The Truth About Myofascial Release: What You Need to Know

Exploring Anatomy Through Spirals: A Deep Dive with Dr Karen Kirkness

Fascia, Spirit, and Movement: Inside Joanne Avison's New Book

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living: Permaculture, Ayurveda and Yoga with Justin Robertshaw

Unlocking Fascia: The Ultimate Reset for Peak Performance

The Future of Medicine: How Energy, Fascia & Intuition Shape Healing, with Carol Davis