The Joanne Avison Podcast
The Joanne Avison Podcast is a journey into Spiritual Science, examining the sacred geometry of human form and motion and how the Fascia Matrix changes all we thought we knew about human bodies. Reflecting on her rich experience as a movement and manual therapy practitioner, Certified Archetypal Consultant, ordained minister and Doctor of Spiritual Science; Joanne challenges our assumptions of human anatomy, and asks us to consider the "Humans Being" as intimately relating "soma to soul" such that they can't really be useful separated. Joanne animates the true meaning of practical spirituality and the patterns of (our) body and being as one!! Told through artful storytelling and conversations with scientists, researchers, teachers, clients and curious fellow beings; this podcast will spark your curiosity of humans “being in bodies”, and inspire your life-long inquiry into who you really are.
The Joanne Avison Podcast
The Lost Connection: How Science Separated Body, Mind & Soul
In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the history of how the study of science in the West separated soma from soul. It has deep implications to our understanding of the intricate relationship between the body and the being that animates it. The notion of soul separation has sparked intense debate, with many seeking to reconcile the principles of science and spirituality. By understanding how the somatic approach was separated from the study of psychology, we can wonder if tapping into the wisdom of our body might foster a deeper connection with our soul.
Join Joanne Avison, considering (with compassion for our forefathers) where “soma and soul” were divorced. As we navigate the complexities of biomechanics and understand the fascia matrix, can we uncover hidden secrets about the very nature of our being? By tuning into our body wisdom and recognising that the wisdom of our soul animates it, perhaps we can naturally find a more profound understanding of our true essence and cultivate a more soulful approach to wellness practices and how we can be compassionate with ourselves...
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Why don’t you start here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Nb0JCvJRHKdZqF3PgHc9BaJnv33rU-u&si=vn4qiIAToTILqVmG
My website - https://www.joanneavison.com/
My course - https://myofascialmagic.com/
My book: - https://amzn.to/3zF3SAS
Instagram - joanneavison
Free Webinar - https://myofascialmagic.com/webinar-registration
Podcast produced and edited by Megan Bay Dorman